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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Oct 25, 2012
Verified Purchase

I rate this product as fair to good. Before I started using this product, I put on disposable gloves in the event the product might leak from the container onto my hands, then I pressed the lever...nothing happened. After 3 tries turning the knob, I finally got the product to spray the solution where I wanted it, but to my dismay, after I sprayed the walls and cracks underneathe the kitchen cabinets, the right side of the kitchen counter, the solution, which is very liquid and oily, ran down into the kitchen sink. I had used Raid a number of years ago and sprayed in the same areas, but don't remember Raid running into the kitchen sink. I worried about the possibility of not being able to remove this substance from the kitchen sink, espcially because it was oily, and that if after washing it from the sink with hot water and soap, it would remain in the sink and get on the dishes I would later put in the sink and wash, and I would accidentally consume it. THERE IS A WARNING ON THE BOTTLE ABOUT THE DANGER OF ACCIDENTAL CONSUMPTION OF THIS PRODUCT. There is a Raid-like smell to this product after it is sprayed, but, in my opinion, very mild, perhaps 2/3 less odor compared to the unbearable odor from Raid. Before putting dirty dishes in the sink, I washed the counter and sink with hot water and soap, and as all can see, "To-date, Thursday, 10/25/12, two weeks after using the product, I'm alive and well." LOL After using this product I saw a small amount of cockroaches in the area by the kitchen sink, and no roaches on the counter across from the kitchen sink. As for the Raid-like odor, it goes away within 5-7 days. After my initial use of "Bugs R Done..." I saw a few roaches crawling around on the floor after I had taken off the disposable gloves and thought the product wouldn't leak. I was wrong. This product leaked on my hands. So, to all, YOU MUST WEAR GLOVES WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. I've used two applications of this product on the counters opposite the kitchen sink, and underneate the refrigerator, and on the floor baseboards, the second application just being a few squirks, and haven't seen one roach. With the second application, I've been unable to adjust the knob to the type of spray I want, which would be a wide spray, not too wide, and the solution came out of the container in a very thin stream. After all I've said above, and as all can see, I am very DESCRIPTIVE, I would definately recommend this product. It does work.